Checkmate Background Check


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Instant Checkmate makes it easy to access public records and get complete Background Reports and Reverse Phone Lookups. Now, it’s even easier with Instant Checkmate’s mobile people search app. Search for almost anybody, anytime, with countless public records available on your mobile device. Type in a name, phone number, or email address to retrieve sensitive information, including:
Personal information like a name, age, birthdate, and possible aliasesPossible related peopleContact information like an address and phone numberEmail addressesLocation information and historyCriminal historyArrest recordsSocial data including social media profilesNearby sex offenders
Find out if your online date has a criminal record, or search yourself to find out if any dangerous sex offenders live in your neighborhood. Search for long lost family members, or even use a Reverse Phone Lookup to bust a cheating partner.
For a small fee you can upgrade to a premium report to discover:
EducationVoter registrationPossible associatesPossible relationshipsPossible neighborsPossible arrests for family/known associatesFinancesBankruptciesLiens and judgementsForeclosuresBusiness affiliationsPossible co-workersFAA pilot licenses DEA controlled substances licensesProfessional licensesHunting and fishing licensesConcealed weapon permitsAssetsProperties ownedWatercrafts ownedAircrafts ownedAccidents
What will you find with Instant Checkmate?